Tuesday 15 March 2016

The Hurt Locker

Q1) Explain two ways the characters and/ or events fit the action adventure genre. (10 marks)

In 'The Hurt Locker' the characters automatically fit in with the action/adventure genre because they're in the army. This makes the audience feel as if they will be action as army is associated with action/adventure due to wars. The characters fit in with action/adventure because of the situation they're put in and the way they try to solve the problem. It all goes tense as people begin to say that they should just shoot him and people begin to shout and become nervous of what will happen.

The civilians fit in with the action/adventure because the civilian is wearing a bomb vest which was put on him and that's what makes the action theme. As well all the other civilians are running away because they don't want to get blown up if the army cannot take the bomb vest off him.

Q2) Explain how each of the following is used to create effect:
mise en scene
camera work

In 'The Hurt Locker' the soundtrack consists of mostly dialogue. At the start of the clip the army begin by shouting at a mysterious character who is approaching them with his hands up so you can tell in their voice that they are nervous about this man walking towards them. As he gets closer their volume increases  and it seems that they're becoming more and more nervous to the point where the soldiers suggesting to just shoot him to not put all of their life's in danger. The protagonist then equips a body suit so he could go and try to save the man. When he gets to the man with the bomb vest he has to get a friend to translate for him due to their communication difficulty, during this time he speaks calmly to the man so he doesn't get even more nervous and uncomfortable than he already is. Whilst the protagonist and the victim are talking he explains that he has a family and begins begging that he fixes the problem. As the protagonist realises that  he will run out of time he has to apologise to the victim and run for his life shouting at his fellow army colleagues to get back and take shelter before the bomb explodes so they don't get injured as well.

With in 'The Hurt Locker' editing rally sets the pace for this scene as it's very tense with them being in a war zone as they always feel in danger. As the man approaches the camera changes camera angle all around to see people watching the man approach as well as the army backing up. This happens fast because it makes the audience know that this scene will be action genre due to the way the editing has influenced it.

Mise en scene is added in this film as the lighting is natural due to them being outside. The props involved would consist of the army uniforms to the guns and the bomb, everything wore and used such as the bolt cutters to try and remove the bomb vest would be classed as a prop because without them the film wouldn't look as realistic and therefore wouldn't make the film look as good.

The camera work really sets the scene and lets the audience know that the scene is a action scene. The way people know this is because of the fact that the camera is focused on the soldiers and makes the audience see they're nervous as this random man approaches. Because the camera is focused on their faces and is switching to another soldiers face around every 3 seconds it really sets the pace of that particular scene.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Edge of Tomorrow

Q1) Explain two ways the characters and/ or events fit the action adventure genre. Use examples from the extract. [10 marks]

This fits in with the action adventure genre because of the action sequences between good and evil, which in this case the aliens being evil and humans being good. Cage is the protagonist who is seen as the underdog but he has lots of character traits that people value, such as strength, intelligence and in the end he is brave.
Rita (supporting character) is a protagonist who is seen by everyone as a world wide hero for her duty on the battle field. This is different compared to other films as usually the stereotypical hero on a battle field is normally a strong man but in this case women are seen stronger. This is an oppositional reading of the normal female stereotype.

Q2) Explain how each of the following is used to create effects:

  • Soundtrack
  • Editing
  • Camera work
  • Mise-en-scene

With in 'Edge of Tomorrow' the camera is used in various ways to achieved its full potential to entertain. Point-of-view shot shows the perspective of Cage whilst he is fighting the aliens and shows his perspective and how action packed the film is. The hand held camera shot is used when all the soldiers are lining up ready to drop and the camera is walking down the pathway shaking which gives the audience an idea about how many explosions are going on below but they're in the sky which emphasizes how big these explosions are and that they now realize they're in a war. Tracking shot is used when a human aircraft is falling from the sky onto a soldier which gives the viewers an idea of the humans losing as no sight of alien death has been seen. Another example of tracking shot is when one of the aliens is on a fallen airship and it is dodging the bullets but with Cage killing the alien it highlights him being the hero. The Dolly zoom shot is used when a alien rises from the ground and the camera then zoomed (Dolly zoom) in on the alien which emphasizes the present danger.


With in 'Edge of Tomorrow' editing is used to create effects which a camera can't do on its own so it needs computer editing.Throughout 'Edge of Tomorrow' CGI is used on Cage and his fellow soldiers as the body suits, this is used to give the audience the futuristic effect and really gives off the sci-fi part of the genre. When Cage keeps waking up time after time and it keeps cutting to him doing the same reaction after dying, this is called a jump cut. Fast paced editing is used when Cage dies from the car for example but straight the way he runs past the car after he has died.


'Edge of Tomorrow' uses sound throughout the film to give the audience a better picture of what's going on in the film and make it feel like the audience are in the film. Digenic sound is used for characters speaking to each other for example Cage speaking to soldiers about why he shouldn't be in the war with them. Synchronous sound is in th film because in a war you expect to hear gunfire and explosions. The more explosions means the louder they're and that makes the audience more exited because of the amount of action that happens.


Mise-en-scene throughout 'Edge of Tomorrow' is where about the the clip is shot, lighting, relationship between actors, costume and props. The lighting when they get to the beach is natural but dull because it's overcast. The relationship between the Cage and other characters develop as the film goes on because he dies and learns from his mistakes. The costume of Cage and the rest of the soldiers depends on the caliber of soldier they're as the higher rank you are the better suit you get. Rita is one of the highest soldier ranks you can get therefore she has a sword as well as two mini guns on her back where as Cage has the basic suit although it's still effective. The props for the clip would be the weapons the have such as the sword Rita has and the guns attached do Cage's arm.